The full moon is an exciting time to be on Ko Phangan. For the full moon, the whole island becomes a huge beach party where everyone wears fluorescent colors.
This is the beach a couple days before the full moon party. This is low season for tourism in Thailand, so I haven't seen this many people gathered at one place in a really long time.
This is just another beautiful sunset picture. Even when the island is filling up with crazy people looking for a good party, it's nice to remember that I'm still in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
This is Jonna (the lovely Swedish girl I had been traveling with) a couple nights before the party. Jonna was supposed to leave on a bus for Bangkok this night, but she slipped on the stairs, broke her wrist, and dislocated her shoulder. We spent a couple days in the hospital at another island called Ko Samui getting it taken care of. It's a really good thing that Jonna is always in good spirits. If this had happened to me, I probably would have been quite upset. Jonna, on the other hand, was hardly phased.
The thing that made this hospital stay really hilarious was a very German nurse named Gabi. Gabi would come into the room (very purposefully) every now and then, and she would make a huge deal out of every little thing she said. Like, "I have some papers! You must sign these papers now. It's so important for the insurance. You really have to sign right here." I think I would have gone crazy if I were the one who had to talk to her.
So, the crisis was taken care of, Jonna made it back to Sweden, and this is where the party pictures start. This picture is some examples of the things people paint on themselves at the full moon party. Thai people set up these booths where they will paint pretty things onto you.
This picture is my beautiful artwork on the back of a German girl named Melanie. I took pictures of all the people I painted so that I can make a portfolio and apply to art school. I think I have some real talent and could make a career out of painting people if the science thing doesn't work out.
These are my new friends at the hostel painting things on eachother in preparation for the full moon party.
This is my leg. Nice, yea? Just another picture for my art school portfolio...
These are the girls that I hung out with during the full moon party. From left to right it's me, Melanie, Kira, Lindsey, and Mita. As you can see from the background, there were A LOT of people at this party.
Look, bubbles! One of the things I found really fun about the full moon party is that there were a lot of things going on. There were bubbles to dance in, people spinning fire, jump ropes that were on fire, and other similarly silly things to do.
This is me and Oun after we came out of the bubbles. All my beautiful artwork was washed off by the bubbles. I guess that's the bittersweet end to my art career...You can barely see it, but in this picture David is playing one of the popular Thai stick games. For these games, you have to move one or two of the sticks to get some kind of desired result. It's sort of like a riddle. For example, the game he's doing here has sticks that read "1 + 2 = 3". The goal is to move only one stick to get 139. Try it and tell me how long it takes you. Then I'll give you another game.
This is David at one of the smaller beaches on Ko Phangan. It was a nice place to relax after all the chaos of the full moon party. In his hand, he's holding one of the best coconut shakes that exists on this planet. Since it's so ridiculously hot here, Thailand is a popular place for fruit shakes. So far, my favorites are coconut and blueberry.
This is me at the same place. I could definitely get used to this kind of life.
less david, more dana. please and thank you ;) I mean sure pictures of david are ok, but pictures of you are better :) I do love the paintings and you are right, you are quite the artist :)
ps brian is home, all is good. I run bupkis a mile in the mornings now so that he can calm down one day... it works for like 15 seconds then he forgets we ran and starts eating the house again. SIIIGH
Wow, wonderful trip & remembrance.
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