Non-clothes items (left to right):
- Pile of books
- Travel guides (will only take a couple and have mom send the rest to me as I need them)
- Novel
- Pocket dictionaries for Nepali and Thai
- Plug adapters
- Headlamp
- Water bottle
- Travel pouch (goes under your clothes to hide your money and passport)
- Padlocks (to lock things up at hostels)
- Gaiters
- Bag of toiletries and medications
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellant
- Toothbrush, toothpaste
- Hair brush, hair ties
- Deodorant
- Glasses, contacts, contact solution
- Soap, shampoo, conditioner
- Laundry detergent
- Antibiotics
- Altitude sickness pills
- Allergy pills
- Ibuprofen
- Advil cold and sinus
- Tylenol sleeping pills
- Acidophilus dietary supplement
- Antacid pills
- Inhaler
- Iodine water disinfecting pills
- EmergenC (electrolyte powder for water)
- Lotion
- Hand sanitizer
- Gauze pads
- Moleskin
- Bandaids
- Medical tape
- Antiseptic wipes
- Antibiotic ointment
- Ear plugs
- Scissors
- Camping Knife
- Lighter
- Matches
- 2L Camelback
- Yaktrax
- Baseball cap
- Hat
- Sandals
- Sunglasses
- Jaw harp
- Balaclava
- Climbing shoes
- Climbing harness
- Computer
- -15 degree sleeping bag
- Gloves
- Stove
- Pot
- Travel towl
- Bandana
- Thermos (not shown)
- Hiking boots (not shown)
- 70L backpack (not shown)
- Pants
- Jeans
- Khaki outdoors pants
- Comfy stretchy pants
- Fleece pants
- Shirts
- 3 Tank tops
- 3 Short sleeve
- 3 Long sleeve
- Swimsuit
- Socks
- Cotton
- Wool
- Heavy-duty bedtime socks
- Underwear (2 week supply)
- Jackets
- Fleece
- Raincoat
- Down puffy
- That green jacket I always wear
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